Open Source
Provisional Guidance for Users of LLM-Based Code Generators
available intuition for avoiding big risks
Open Source When We Say So
still stronger claims of self-authority in OSI’s new AI “definition”
Open Source Company as Costco
parallels weak and strong
Not The Same Security Debate
open source security today is different in kind
Blue Oak Contributor License
it’s just a license
Copyleft Intolerance and the Defining-Open Mind Trap
forgetting licensing history past, we fail to repeat our successes
Unlimited Indemnity for Unpaid Developers?
James Bottomley on liability, politics, and forgotten boilerplate
Real and Imagined CLA Overreach
CLAs go wrong when they act like hiring terms
This Rich To Open Source
neglected Torvalds straight-talk on how great software gets made, and by who
MicroHub Sponsorplace
one software store, many corporate faces
Open Market for Open Software
coders who can’t afford to do open source will revolutionize software
Notice by Hyperlink
can’t we just link to the licenses file for our JavaScript?
Trademark Undefined Behavior
the awkward hole in free and open IP
EULAs Aren’t Inherently Evil
proprietary done right can beat free and open for users
FOSS Fundraiser for Ukraine?
donors ask questions, panel of licensing lawyers answers
The Open Source Initiative Did Not Win Neo4j v. PureThink
everywhere it looks, OSI sees itself, and in triumph
Switching Open Software Terms
yes, you can switch from MIT to something else
You And Whose GitHub?
Russian tech source reports state mulling GitHub clone
MIT for Noncommercial is Broken
use a real noncommercial software license
Payability, Form, and Substance
getting company to pay you isn’t just about a legal entity
AWS Contributor Licensing Blurb
another mutation from the cauldron of CLA angst
Single CLA
taking back contributor licensing for developers
Blue Oak Open Software Licensing Primer
Theory of Operation, updated and expanded
L. Peter Deutsch and Stig Hackvän
cooperation, licensing, and money in 1998
The Developer Certificate of Origin is Not a Contributor License Agreement
dispelling magical DCO thinking to reveal the system below
Creative Commons’ 2021-2025 Strategy
a scene stalwart turns “ethical”
Drafter’s Anxiety
writing new licenses isn’t scary
The Luck of Open Source
open source without great men
Sell Babel 8
ask for the money you need so people can actually pay it
Open Gaming Deja Vu
a clear-eyed view of open from 1999
You Can Still Use the Software
Justin Colannino on what’s up with new software licenses
The Origin of the “MIT License”
how did those famous terms come about?
Cross License Foundations
decentralized stewardship of collaborative projects
Code Credit License 1.0.0
a code-for-credit software license
Open Licensing Attacks on Specific Business Models
an incomplete list
Compliance Industrial Pulpit
someone tell the enterprise about Open Source 2.0
Where are the Goalposts?
in response to Luis Villa on SSPL and OSI
Reading AGPL
a guided introduction for first-timers
Open Source is Discrimination
that’s the point, or at least it used to be
Righteous, Expedient, Wrong
OSI swings at Elastic, misses, and leaves a mess
ml5.js Takes a Stand
a code of conduct with teeth, in the wild
Deprogramming the Programmer
throw off your jargon and be free
The War on License Notices
managing uncertainty at the fringes of open licensing
How Congress Sees Open Source
a view from outside
Copyright Notices Begone
pointless costs of ancient licenses
From Justice With Love
the antitrust division groks open source strategy
Mix Many Metaphors
analogies galore in Oracle v. Google oral argument
Oracle v. Google Oral Argument
major league copyright lawyering at bat
The Ethical Consequences of Our Collective Activities
professional ethics as the missing root of entitlement?
Working in Public
now comes the coder-celebrity
A Modest Trademark Proposal
banish them from permissive open source
Programmer Power
prying open “software freedom”
Anything to Everyone
“defund the police” through the lens of “open source”
Narrative Error
that’s my hero story, and I’m sticking to it
Free & Open Picture Book
a conundrum in four panels
Round Robin 1.0.0
ready for the field
Round Robin License
new name, new terms, same great idea
“Open Source” Is Nobody’s Property
if OSI owned it, they wouldn’t be so touchy about it
critical and alternative views on free and open source software
Common-Pool Pushovers
Elinor Ostrom without boundaries
Locked-In Customers Anonymous
stop buying software from assholes
Site of Shame
if you can’t negotiate, castigate?
Sharetribe Community Public License 1.0, Line by Line
another everything-but-SaaS license
CERN OHL-S 2.0, Line by Line
the open share-alike hardware license we actually need now?
Medtronic’s PB560 Ventilator License, Line by Line
medical device company devises copyleft license
Open Source for Business 3e
new edition of an oft-recommended book
Sustain Podcast
business models, licenses, role playing
Name Calling Isn’t Precise
“neo-closed” will come and go
Copyleft Has No Posse
war is over, want it or not
This Mess We’re In
ethics, open source, and free riding
Data Under Universal Share-Alike
limits on effective data copyleft
Reduce, Reuse, Reconsider
if you wish to make a great hacker from scratch, let them reimplement the universe
Scratch Other People’s Itches
achieve more meaning and feel less alone
Copyleft Should be Scary
if the virus wasn’t scary, would we wash out hands?
Open Source Should Come With Warranties
(from the companies who use it)
What did I just agree to?
Marc Jones on oddities in OSI-approved licenses
Luis Villa’s Licensing Year in Review
harassment made the list, and should have
Few-Maintainer Projects
reality-driven expectations
Renaming API Copyleft
naming for purpose, not implementation
API Copyleft 2.0.0-pre.1
bringing the best of Parity to API Copyleft
The Main Event
Amazon versus Startups and the New York Times
npm fund
new subcommand and metadata standard
Talking Points: Ethical Licenses
collecting points and counterpoints
Venture Capital Shill
scapegoating free software’s failures
a new riff on the Apache patent bargain from China
Heather Meeker on “Ethos Licensing”
free and open is ethos licensing, too
“BSD with PATENTS” and “BSD-2-Clause Plus Patent” are Not the Same
similar licenses, very different receptions
Love this License
law brut with ASCII art
Blue Oak Test Suite
test cases for new public licenses
Blue Oak Reading List
reading list for lawyers new to open source
Cross-License Collaboratives
decentralizing contributor license agreements
Standards, Patents, Open Source
towards constructive collaboration across practice communities
Blue Oak Guidance on Mergers and Acquisitions
please stop paying me so much to fix reps and warranties
they won’t see your funding plea if they never look
Our Ethics, Not Yours
in defense of Seth Vargo and morality-first licenses
The Tyranny of Time
licensing gives developers much-needed flexibility
Open Core is Not a Good Story
three better ways to express yourself and your company
Open Legal Podcast?
considering an open legal podcast
Is this conference a good idea?
forthcoming talk at a conference
The Great Open Source Shake-Up
more mandatory reading from Kate Downing
a few thoughts on a friend’s podcast appearance
Require Credit For Your Software
a general-purpose legal tool to require credit for open work
Get In, Get Out
open source advice for new programmers breaking into the industry
Dark Arts at Daybreak
the end of club rule in open source law
Operating Environment
essential industry background for reading open software licenses
SSPL Was Not Commons Clause
how open licensing blew its biggest opportunity of the 2010s
Mortarboard Licenses
graduate to new public license terms
Schools of Cohesion
exploring the crosswise policy biases we learn from open software
Tyranny of Permissionlessness
open source’s narrow focus further empowers those with other ways to exclude
Don’t Rely on OSI Approval
activist approval does not track practical needs
AFL-3.0 versus OSL-3.0
a redline (diff) with important network terms highlighted
endorsements can’t fix the Open Source Definition
Calls to Sustainability Action via package.json
a new proposal, schema, and tools
Enterprise Ready Open Software License Supplement
the status quo, plus money for devs
Stairway to Heaven
repairing broken steps to software license Nirvana
The Diachronic Treadmill License
automatically reward supporters with copyleft exceptions
License Utopia
just four licenses for all of open source
Ethical Subcommons Starter Kit
bringing openness to software of moral concern
Weak or Strong is Wrong
towards selective or consistent copyleft
Deprecation Notice: MIT and BSD
it’s time to retire thirty-year-old academic licenses
Back to IP
the copyright giant has a policy
Indie Open Source
developing resource for indie-ready business models
Open Source Software License Reading List
a comprehensive curriculum for new license wonks
First Thoughts on the Redis Source Available License Agreement
evident demand for license rules on API boundaries
API Copyleft License 1.0.0
first release of API-boundary copyleft form
API Copyleft
functionality, interfaces, and line drawing in a new copyleft paradigm
Shared Component License
first shot at a short, plain license in the vein of Mongo’s SSPL
Outer Source
open software by closed methods
Apache-2.0 versus ECL-2.0
a redline (diff) showing substantive changes
Open Source is Not About You
a minimal, functionalist view of open source
Open Handicaps
Did permissive used to advantage open work like copyleft does today?
Selective Openness
making money by choosing what to give away
The Open Source Definition as Copyleft Regulation
an in-depth review of commonly cited criteria
The Copyleft Bust Up
loopholes, licenses, and realpolitik in open source
How to Speak Copyleft
the missing vocabulary of copyleft design
Elsewhere: Mapping Open Business Models
crosspost from the License Zero blog
Seeking Comment: Copyright Notice Recommendation
first stab at a pragmatic best-practice guide
Indirect Licensing
dispensing software licenses in the Internet era
Contributor Councils
relicensing without foundation, BDFL, or unanimity
Patents for Software Freedom
gun-shy insurgents and the heavy weapons of IP law
Bilking Angels
celestial finance for earth-bound developers
Crowd Hiring
assurance contracts for short-term open software maintenance
Quick Read of Tidelift’s Lifting Agreement
nits picked in the developer terms for a new pay-the-devs company
Private Changes in Free Software Copyleft Licenses
Where’s the fifth freedom?
Enforce Open Source Licenses with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act
takedown power for DIY developers
Unhappy Coincidences
marriages of licensing convenience, and changed circumstances
Selective Mythology
defining open source for fun and profit, in the shadow of the enterprise
The Posterity Public License
a strong-attribution open source license
MPL-2.0 versus OPL-2.1
a redline (diff) showing changes
I Have Another Blog
you may want to subscribe on License Zero, too
Licence Libre du Québec – Réciprocité versus - Réciprocité forte
a redline (diff) showing changes
CLAs are Not a Sham
licensing with friends, improved and improving
Debian Free Software Guidelines versus the Open Source Definition
a redline (diff) showing changes
Mercenary Rapport
moral blindness in open source on social media
Unsustainability at Scale
today’s tools for yesterday’s problems tomorrow
Feed this Bear
indie coder, promote thyself!
doing IP law wrong, and getting away with it
The License Zero Manifesto
sustainable software in the open
Null Value
against demise of the hacker public license
Switchmode Developer Agreement
an open form contract for open source contractors
Open Software Service Terms
legal terms for paid web apps, now available in the English language
It’s Not About Community
another view of Open Source
Open Source: Theory of Operation
a short, practical guide to open source software for programmers at work
Open Source License Business Perception Report
the pain and confusion of common open licenses, roughly quantified
Against Legislating the Nonobvious
short-order feedback on the default contributor license in GitHub’s draft terms of service
The Mendicant Maintainerati
no holy fools for Open Source
The MIT License, Line by Line
171 words every programmer should understand
I Don’t Want to Know What “Open Source” Means
I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all on GitHub.
License from Who?
Safe open-source licensing means more than a LICENSE file.
The Berneout Pledge
Sucks less than CLAs!
First Read: The Fair Source License
Text and my first thoughts on a new, non-open source form license
Startup Unix
An open legal operating system for start-up technology companies
React Patent Redline
Changes to Facebook’s patent grant for React, Flux, Immutable, &c.
Blind Patches
What if open-source contributors could submit patches anonymously and choose to claim credit later?