

>> law, technology, and the space between

All content by Kyle E. Mitchell, who is not your lawyer.

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  1. Pick-From-a-List Tools

    my favorite heretical UNIX programs

  2. PolyForm Countdown

    a simple, solid form for changing your license later

  3. Toward PolyForm Shield Version 2

    streamline and revise for easier reading

  4. A Short, Simple Template for Scheduled Relicensing

    decouple license rules from how we relax them

  5. Amazon Has a Restricted License, Too

    this is not a bad thing

  6. HashiCorp’s New Licensing

    a new benchmark for presenting license change

  7. On-Cloud Licensing

    the wheel of software delivery keeps on turning

  8. Putting Software in the Public Domain

    if you want “waive” or “dedicate”, you should probably just “license”

  9. New Microsoft Word Comments Weirdness

    a gotcha for legal power users

  10. Big Time Public License 2.0.0

    much improved by generous feedback

  11. MIT for Noncommercial is Broken

    use a real noncommercial software license

  12. Standardize Commercial Software Licensing

    announcing PolyForm Commercial, with a call for help

  13. License Round-Up

    listing licenses I’ve contributed to

  14. Big Time Public License 1.0.0

    a FRAND-ly license for software

  15. Speedier Git for Text File Tracking

    streamlining for small, fast commits to personal records

  16. PolyForm Defensive is Now PolyForm Shield

    feedback strikes again

  17. Acceptable Use

    different delivery, same rules

  18. Normally Open & Normally Closed

    simple templates for restricted terms

  19. PolyForm Noncompete Licenses

    two new, long-awaited forms

  20. Noncompete By Two Other Names

    Why are the last PolyForm licenses taking so long?

  21. Not Not Political

    if software matters, it’s already political

  22. Patent Potato

    the game that never ends

  23. Renaming API Copyleft

    naming for purpose, not implementation

  24. API Copyleft 2.0.0-pre.1

    bringing the best of Parity to API Copyleft

  25. git push is the Process

    permissionless license development now

  26. Big Time Public License

    a noncommercial, small-biz license with a big-biz fair terms guarantee

  27. PolyForm 1.0.0

    standard noncommercial software licenses at last

  28. Heather Meeker on Patent Risk Allocation

    unique compilation of arguments and dynamics

  29. Operating Environment

    essential industry background for reading open software licenses

  30. PolyForm Project

    simple, standard, plain-language software licenses

  31. Critique This License

    developing a standard paid-software license

  32. Proseline

    peer to peer prose editing


    breaking the NDA logjam

  34. What Enumeration Means

    Enumeration is an essential contract drafting tool. Don’t disclaim it!

  35. Reproduction of Hierarchy

    Markdown isn’t great for contracts. HTML5 is better.

  36. Common Form

    Composable, verifiable, shareable form contracts for the modern practice of law