

>> law, technology, and the space between

All content by Kyle E. Mitchell, who is not your lawyer.

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  1. Llama 3 versus LLama 3.1 License Terms

    handy redline and takeaways

  2. We Were Wrong About the GPLs

    an unsurprising admission in Conservancy v. Vizio

  3. Where is the rule that makes vague license rules legal no-ops?

    fear, uncertainty, and doubt upon ethical licenses

  4. On-Cloud Licensing

    the wheel of software delivery keeps on turning

  5. NVIDIA Prismer License

    another noncommercial model license, kind of

  6. Open RAIL-M Is More Unclear Than Scary

    Does AI devs want to fight abuse, or just not feel bad about enabling it?

  7. Big Time Public License 2.0.0

    much improved by generous feedback

  8. MIT for Noncommercial is Broken

    use a real noncommercial software license

  9. GPL Had Better be a Contract

    SFC’s Vizio suit brings the right kind of claim

  10. License Round-Up

    listing licenses I’ve contributed to

  11. Big Time Public License 1.0.0

    a FRAND-ly license for software

  12. Citation Hustle

    hooking into academe for fair code credit

  13. Drafter’s Anxiety

    writing new licenses isn’t scary

  14. Code Credit License 1.0.0

    a code-for-credit software license

  15. Normally Open & Normally Closed

    simple templates for restricted terms

  16. Sharetribe Community Public License 1.0, Line by Line

    another everything-but-SaaS license

  17. Open Source for Business 3e

    new edition of an oft-recommended book

  18. This Mess We’re In

    ethics, open source, and free riding

  19. Skimming Hippocratic License Version 2.0

    text and quick thoughts

  20. Renaming API Copyleft

    naming for purpose, not implementation

  21. API Copyleft 2.0.0-pre.1

    bringing the best of Parity to API Copyleft

  22. git push is the Process

    permissionless license development now

  23. Big Time Public License

    a noncommercial, small-biz license with a big-biz fair terms guarantee

  24. MulanPSL

    a new riff on the Apache patent bargain from China

  25. “BSD with PATENTS” and “BSD-2-Clause Plus Patent” are Not the Same

    similar licenses, very different receptions

  26. Love this License

    law brut with ASCII art

  27. Require Credit For Your Software

    a general-purpose legal tool to require credit for open work

  28. Indie Open Source

    developing resource for indie-ready business models

  29. The Discipline of Stated Purpose

    write out the purposes of legal terms in contracts

  30. Apache-2.0 versus ECL-2.0

    a redline (diff) showing substantive changes

  31. Private Changes in Free Software Copyleft Licenses

    Where’s the fifth freedom?

  32. Unhappy Coincidences

    marriages of licensing convenience, and changed circumstances

  33. The Posterity Public License

    a strong-attribution open source license

  34. MPL-2.0 versus OPL-2.1

    a redline (diff) showing changes

  35. Licence Libre du Québec – Réciprocité versus - Réciprocité forte

    a redline (diff) showing changes

  36. Open Source: Theory of Operation

    a short, practical guide to open source software for programmers at work