

>> law, technology, and the space between

All content by Kyle E. Mitchell, who is not your lawyer.

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Free Software

  1. Copyleft Intolerance and the Defining-Open Mind Trap

    forgetting licensing history past, we fail to repeat our successes

  2. L. Peter Deutsch and Stig Hackvän

    cooperation, licensing, and money in 1998

  3. Creative Commons’ 2021-2025 Strategy

    a scene stalwart turns “ethical”

  4. Open Licensing Attacks on Specific Business Models

    an incomplete list

  5. Open Source is Discrimination

    that’s the point, or at least it used to be

  6. Programmer Power

    prying open “software freedom”

  7. Free & Open Picture Book

    a conundrum in four panels

  8. Antidote

    critical and alternative views on free and open source software

  9. Luis Villa’s Licensing Year in Review

    harassment made the list, and should have

  10. Talking Points: Ethical Licenses

    collecting points and counterpoints

  11. Venture Capital Shill

    scapegoating free software’s failures

  12. #wontfix

    endorsements can’t fix the Open Source Definition

  13. Ethical Subcommons Starter Kit

    bringing openness to software of moral concern

  14. Private Changes in Free Software Copyleft Licenses

    Where’s the fifth freedom?