

>> law, technology, and the space between

All content by Kyle E. Mitchell, who is not your lawyer.

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  1. Creative Commons’ 2021-2025 Strategy

    a scene stalwart turns “ethical”

  2. ml5.js Takes a Stand

    a code of conduct with teeth, in the wild

  3. The Ethical Consequences of Our Collective Activities

    professional ethics as the missing root of entitlement?

  4. No Justice

    facing the mirror in a time of inequality

  5. Not Not Political

    if software matters, it’s already political

  6. This Mess We’re In

    ethics, open source, and free riding

  7. Skimming Hippocratic License Version 2.0

    text and quick thoughts

  8. Talking Points: Ethical Licenses

    collecting points and counterpoints

  9. Heather Meeker on “Ethos Licensing”

    free and open is ethos licensing, too

  10. Ethical Subcommons Starter Kit

    bringing openness to software of moral concern