Help Take the Waypoint NDA Internationala call for help from common-law colleagues
This post is part of a series, The Waypoint NDA.
The Waypoint NDA, a neutral, self-standardizing, two-way commercial nondisclosure agreement, is working toward a new version 2.0.0. The primary goal of 2.0.0 is support for more common-law jurisdictions, in addition to the United States.
I’d be very greatful for a quick look at the latest draft from lawyers qualified in other common-law jurisdictions, such as England and Wales, India, Australia, Ireland, and Israel, to make sure the terms can work there, as well. I’ve already had great feedback from Addison Cameron-Huff from the Canadian point of view.
The project will be more than happy to credit new contributors, or to keep the source of their feedback confidential, at their option.
Working together, we can end the pointless waste wrought by a thousand functionally identical NDA forms.
Your thoughts and feedback are always welcome by e-mail.