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All content by Kyle E. Mitchell, who is not your lawyer.

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The Waypoint NDAstop wasting time on NDAs

This post is part of a series, The Waypoint NDA.

Today I, along with other companies and lawyers developing and using a standard nondisclosure agreement, renamed our form.

Hello, The Waypoint NDA.

If your company wastes time reviewing and negotiating two-way nondisclosure agreements, The Waypoint NDA is the actually standard form you’ve been waiting for. Adopt it at your company, send us any feedback you have, and add your company to the website, so more will be encouraged to follow your lead.

Boring, two-way, commercial NDAs are crying out for standardization, and everybody in business law knows it. Now, more than ever, there’s something you can do about it.

Your thoughts and feedback are always welcome by e-mail.

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